Call to Donate: 808-955-8821

Sustaining Membership Update Form

Thank you for being a Sustaining Member of HPR! Your on-going monthly contributions provide a steady stream of support that sustains HPR's day-to-day operations and allows us to direct more of our resources to delivering local content.

Want to make a simple and powerful change to your monthly gift? Consider changing your monthly payment method from credit/debit card to electronic funds transfer (EFT) direct from your checking account. Making the switch saves the station money on card processing fees as well as administrative costs associated with keeping credit/debit cards current. Keep more of your donation working for HPR and for you!

Please use this form to update your payment information or gift amount.

Make additional one-time gift

Please complete the following form. Fields marked * are required.

Donation Information
Credit Card Information
We accept American Express, MasterCard, and Visa. *No Discover
Format MM/YY
Direct Withdrawal from Checking Account
Contact Information
Help HPR save money by communicating with you by email. You may unsubscribe at any time. HPR does not sell or trade its email list.
Additional Information
Please provide reason for update (e.g. change payment type, upgrade gift amount) and any comments you may have. We love to know why HPR is important to you!

Thank you for your Sustaining Membership support!